
Sunday 21 August 2011

Radio Stories from New Zealand

During the week Kathryn Ryan did two noteworthy interviews on Nine- to- Noon, Radio New Zealand

Fracking in New Zealand

Until recently I operated under the illusion that fracking was limited to North America!

Josh Fox, director of Gasland a documentary which exposes the health impacts of Fracking or horizontal hydraulic fracturing where a mixture of water, sand and chemicals is injected at extreme pressure to crack open rock, boosting petroleum flow; Russell Norman, co-leader of the Green Party; and Bernie Napp, a policy analyst for Staterra the umbrella group for the New Zealand resource sector (which includes mining and exploration).

Auckland's transport woes

Auckland's transport woes are well known.

 Paul Mees is an Australian transport planning expert who's been studying Auckland's transport policy back over the decades and says for too long the city has followed the most extreme pro-car American models and it can't be sustained

1 comment:

  1. If the Taranaki Regional Council were, in the course of fulfilling their duties to environmental protection, to find against the use of "fracking" by the gas industry in the region, they would be putting themselves in the same position as Environment Canterbury did over the issue of water quality in relation to intensive dairying in their region, and to face the threat of suspension and the imposition of commissioners. Is it any wonder then that we find TRC regurgitating verbatim the gas industries platitudes concerning the integrity of wells when we hear that one in twenty is compromised by casing failure. Here we see again the conflict between what the government wants- facilitation of penetration of the interests of commerce and industry- and the Regional Councils' foremost duty- to protect that most basic of human rights, the security and safety of the drinking water supply.

    Russel Norman says that the Taranaki Regional Council have economic development objectives that may bring jobs to the area as well as those of environmental protection and these are of course potentially conflicting. This true but in my view this is deliberately ignoring the above mentioned "elephant in the room". I believe the parliamentary Greens are anxious not to rile the National party as they are cleaving to their "suicide wish" of the possibility of an arrangement with the Nats following the election in November.


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