Tuesday 16 April 2019

Questions about the fire in Paris appear almost immediately

Hours after the fire at Notre Dame de Paris there are indications that this may not have been entirely an accident
But one can't say that

I do not believe that one can say what actually happened in Paris today any more than we can say for sure what happened in Christchurch.

People will immediately interpret this event according to their own prejudices.

But questions must be asked about the official narrative. I would not be placing my faith in any official inquiry from the corruption government of Macron.

Within hours, the Independent comes up with this, Talk of the pot calling the kettle black!

The inferno that has engulfed the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris has been seized upon by far right provocateurs to spread anti-Muslim hate and conspiracies, even as officials said they have ruled out arson as the cause.

Even before the blaze brought the centuries-old steeple and roof crashing to the earth on Monday, conspiracy-minded conservatives on Twitter began declaring the cause to be terrorism — and using the world-renowned landmark as a symbol to push western Christian rhetoric.

The comments online came as authorities in Paris ruled out any terror-related motives as the cause of the blaze, as firefighters continued to battle the fire that was expected to burn the entire church to the ground, leaving just the stone walls behind.

A French official comes under immediate attack for pointing out the obvious - that there has been a spate of attacks on churches and synagogues in France - and merely suggesting that this was not an accident.

For some the label is quite sufficient.

No sir. We’re not doing that here. Not now, not on my watch,’ snaps Smith

Fox News host Shepard Smith abruptly cut off a French government official describing the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral after he suggested that the blaze may not have been accidental.
“I would tell you something, even if nobody died, it’s like a 9/11, the French 9/11,” French official Philippe Karsenty said of the historic cathedral’s burning on Monday.
“And it’s a big shock. I mean, this church was there for more than 850 years, even the Nazis didn’t dare to destroy it.”

Karsenty then explained the routine Islamic attacks against churches throughout France, and alluded that the media is spreading the “politically correct” narrative that the cathedral’s burning is accidental before being suddenly cut off by Smith.
“And you need to know that for the past year we’ve had churches desecrated each and every week in France. All over France. Of course you will hear the stories about the political correctness which will tell you that it’s probably an accident — ”
Sir? Sir. Sir. We’re not going to speculate here of the cause of something which we don’t know,” Smith said.

I’m just telling you something, we need to be ready — ” Karsenty began.
No sir. We’re not doing that here. Not now, not on my watch,” Smith snapped.
Coincidentally, Fox host Neil Cavuto reportedly also abruptly cut off the Catholic League president Bill Donahue for insinuating the fire was intentionally caused.

The notion that the Notre Dame blaze could have been started by arsonists was first reported by local cathedral workers.
“A Jesuit friend in Paris who works in #NotreDame told me cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set,” reported Time columnist Christopher J. Hale.
It’s not outside the realm of possibility to deduce arson as the cause of the fire.
As we reported, anti-Christian attacks in France have been on the rise following the European Union’s decision to flood the continent with millions of migrants in 2015.

A brief summary of who is responding to the tragic Notre Dame fire with 'smiley faces' on Facebook. Appalling.

And then there is this tweet, removed quickly with one worker reportedly claiming that the blaze was deliberately set.

Finally,there is this coverage. It is not exactly my language. 

I am not a Christian in the traditional sense (I would rather describe myself as 'spiritual'). Until comparitively recently I have not subscribed to the concept of Evil or 'satanic' but I am coming round - especially if it is not seen as the workings of a creature with a forked tail but as referring to the Darkness of the human heart.

Whatever, we are engaged in a spiritual battle as the world goes to Hell in a hand basket.

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