Monday 10 April 2017

Israeli News Live: US Generals have staged forces to surround Damascus.

Steven De-Noon has an investment in his biblical prophecies but nevertheless his interpretation is worthy of consideration.

US and Uk Forces Crossing Into Syria from Jordan

US Generals have staged forces to surround Damascus

In February US Generals meet with Lebanese leaders to discuss military aid. Well that was a good cover to place US troops on Syria’s border to the West of Damascus. 

The independent news source, Already Happened, had uncovered on April 2,2017 two Ark ships that had loaded US military equipment in Romania that was bound for Beirut Lebanon. 

This shipment of military arms under the cover of Military aid to Lebanon no doubt will be staged for an assault on Damascus from the West. 

Israel has troops in the Golan currently involved in exercises making the for a tense situation after having already several confrontations with Syria over the past few months. 

If the US conducts a strike on Damascus it puts Israel in a prime position to either assist or protect their own interest from the Golan. 

The US and their allies have obviously planned for months to surround Damascus in a very clandestine way


Media: Jordan, USA and UK begin operation on the Syrian border

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According to the London newspaper "al-Hayat" , citing political sources in Jordan, the armed forces of the United States, Britain and Jordan will start a joint operation against terrorists on Jordanian-Syrian border.

The most dangerous of the current groups – the "Army of Khalid Bin al-Walid" – the local branch of the "Islamic state". Its main base is located in the area where the borders of Jordan, Syria and Iraq.

Just 70 kilometers from here are the position of the Iranian Islamic revolutionary guard Corps. It is argued that their presence in the border area have raised concerns not only Jordan but also Israel.

According to "al-Hayat", the new coalition took shape during the visit of Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may to Amman and king Abdullah II of Jordan to Washington. May visited and the command of the special forces of the Kingdom.

СМИ: Иордания, США и Великобритания начинают операцию на сирийской границе

блогвремя публикации: 9 апреля 2017 г., 08:49 | последнее обновление: 9 апреля 2017 г., 08:56 версия для печати фото
На иорданско-сирийской границе
Как пишет выходящая в Лондоне газета "Аль-Хайят" со ссылкой на политические источники в Иордании, вооруженные силы США, Великобритании и Иордании начнут совместную операцию против террористов на иорданско-сирийской границе.
Наиболее опасная из действующих здесь группировок – "Армия Халида Бин аль-Валида" – местное отделение "Исламского государства". Ее основные базы расположены в районе, где встречаются границы Иордании, Сирии и Ирака.
Всего в 70 километрах отсюда находятся позиции иранского Корпуса стражей Исламской революции. В публикации отмечается, что их присутствие в приграничном районе вызывают опасения не только Иордании, но и Израиля.
Согласно "Аль-Хайят", новая коалиция оформилась в ходе визита премьер-министра Великобритании Терезы Мэй в Амман и короля Иордании Абдаллы Второго в Вашингтон. Мэй посетила и командование сил специального назначения королевства.

  1.   Retweeted
    Alot of helicopters seen landing in tartus base then headed to east

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