Wednesday 17 December 2014

Nature Bats Last on PRN - 12/117/2014

Guy McPherson and Paul Beckwith talk abrupt climate change, COP20 and geoengineering

Mike Sliwa and Guy McPherson interview Paul Beckwith about his recent trip to Lima, Peru for COP20.

Breaking Hopium is offered by Cory Morningstar.

1 comment:

  1. " Privilege and whiteness has a way of invoking blindness. ...... are we really a species worth saving?", epic quotes from Cory Morningstar. I'm skeptical about Ameg's proposal to geo-engineer the Arctic but at least they are working on what they think is a benign approach other than the one I believe we will see in the last days, the pursuit of a nuclear winter, I could see nuclear weapons being used deceitfully either as a false flag attack or as a trumped up defensive attack as Robin has hypothesized on another recent blog. Lookout Russia, Iran and North Korea on that score. Another great show from #TeamMcPherson


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