Wednesday 3 December 2014

Keeping the focus on Fukushima

What is happening in Japan after Fukushima Nuclear disaster?


  1. I'm screwing up the courage to watch this because of the following reasons:
    ► Humans and livestock were 0.01% of land vertebrate biomass 10,000 yrs. ago.
    ► Humans and our livestock are now 97% of land vertebrate biomass.
    ► Humans and our livestock eat over 40% of land chlorophyll biomass.
    ► 50% of vertebrate species died off in the last 50 years.
    ► 50% of remaining vertebrate species will die off in the next 40 years.
    ► +50% = Unstoppable Irreversible Catastrophic Cascading Extinctions Collapse.
    ► 75% Species Loss = Mass Extinction.
    ► Ocean acidification doubles by 2050, triples by 2100.
    ► World Bank says we have 5-10 years before we all fight for food and water.

    ► 90% of Big Ocean Fish gone since 1950.
    ► 90% of Lions gone since 1993.
    ► 90% of Monarch Butterflies gone since 1995.
    ► 75% of Freshwater & Riverbank Species gone since 1970. **
    ► 50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985.
    ► 50% of Human Sperm Counts gone since 1950.
    ► 50% of Fresh Water Fish gone since 1987.
    ► 30% of Marine Birds gone since 1995.
    ► 28% of Land Animals gone since 1970.
    ► 28% of All Marine Animals gone since 1970.
    ► 93 Elephants killed every single day.
    ► 2-3 Rhinos killed every single day.
    ► Bees die from malnutrition lacking bio-diverse pollen sources.

    ► In just 13 years, we will "lock in" an inevitable near term 6°C earth temp rise because we continually exceed the worse-case emissions scenario set out back in 2007 says climate scientist, Dr. Michael Jennings.
    ► Energy demands to increase 100% by 2060 says the IEA.
    ► Emissions have to decrease 80% by 2030 says climate scientist, Kevin Anderson.
    ► To power England with 100% solar & wind, requires 25% of its land says physicist, David MacKay.
    ► 40% Green Energy requires 200% more copper says John Timmer of Ars Technica.
    ► Peak copper hits 2030 – 2040 says Ugo Bardi.
    ► Post peak copper production cannot accelerate at any price says Dave Lowell.
    ► This is true of any post peak mineral production.
    ► There is no real substitute for copper says Mat McDermott of Motherboard.
    ► We mined 50% of all the copper in human history in just the last 30 years.
    ► 100% green energy requires 500% more copper.
    ► Peak minerals includes more than just copper.
    ► By 2050, expect to be past peaks for tin, silver, cadmium and more.
    ► We now move 3 billion tons of earth per year to get 15 millions tons of copper.
    ► We can’t afford to mine 500% more copper at ever lower concentrations.
    ► We cannot recycle it into existence.
    ► We cannot conserve it into existence.
    ► Substituting aluminum for copper takes 5X the energy and is less safe.

    ► Green Energy is our solution to Climate Change.
    ► But, Climate Change is only 1 of 6 Direct Drivers for Mass Extinction.
    ► The 6 Direct Drivers of Mass Extinction are:
    ... 1) Invasive Species
    ... 2) Over-Population
    ... 3) Over-Exploitation
    ... 4) Habitat Loss
    ....5) Climate Change
    ....6) Pollution


    1. ** 75,000 dams block U.S. waterways.

    2. Google's own renewable energy experts admit in IEEE Spectrum that
      renewable energy simply won't work and cancelled the RE < C project
      that was to make renewable energy cheaper than coal.

    3. I may watch this later
      need more courage

    4. Okay, just watch it, not as bad as I feared, still meaning not good. The rods are pretty much out of #4.

    5. Video not available account removed!


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