Monday 4 August 2014

Ukraine civil war update - 08/03/2014

The BBC is starting to resemble nazi propaganda in World War 11 as things start to break apart.  RT gives the facts.

BREAKING: Over 400 Ukrainian troops cross into Russia for refuge

3 August, 2014

More than 400 Ukrainian troops have been allowed to cross into Russia on Sunday night after they requested sanctuary, Russian border guards reported.

According to the Rostov Region’s border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev, a total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards, have been allowed into Russia.

On Sunday, the Russian border guards reported of 12 Ukrainian soldiers seeking refuge in Russia.

And in late July 41 Ukrainian troops fled to Russia to escape fighting in eastern Ukraine. They are now being prosecuted in Ukraine for deserting in the heat of battle.

The flow of deserters from the ranks of Ukrainian Army and National Guard seems to be increasing amid the escalating violence in Donets and Lugansk Regions, where Kiev is fighting against armed militias.

Several Ukrainian units have been reported to recently to be cut off from supply lines after attempted offensive operations, which brought them behind the militia-controlled territories and close to the Russian border.

Two Ukrainian SITREPs

El Murid SITREP, August 1, 2014

Defeating a Large Group of the Punitive Forces Could Start a Chain Reaction

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov

Photograph: Viktor Drachev / AFP

“… Kiev is unable successfully to conduct the military operation in the east of the country, as it is not in complete control of all the military formations that are engaged in the so-called ATO …

Inside the Ukrainian army, the principles of subordination have been breached: direct executors are in no hurry to implement the orders of the command and often perceive these orders as “recommdendations”. According to the agency’s source, the military is refusing to conduct artillery strikes of cities and “does not demonstrate sufficient activity during sweeps and purges" …”

In many ways, the conclusions reached in RT’s analysis are absolutely fair. Objectively, the Ukrainian army is simply a worse clone of Division SS “Galychyna”. Samostiyna [Note: Ukrainian for “independent”] Ukraine is unable to create anything better.

Today, the punitive forces suffered yet another defeat – remnants of the 25th Aeromobile Brigade, Battalion Dnepr, as well as other rabble-like units that attached or strayed to them, were surrounded in the Shakhters-Torez-Snezhnoye area.

The defeat of this grouping is the outcome of the ramming offensive tactics using mass numbers of tanks and other military hardware, followed first by sweeps and purges with the aid of sonderkommando and then by the establishment of checkpoints. With invariable consistency, again and again, such tactics has led to the same outcome – the punitive forces are drawn into a narrow corridor of an “intestine” that is wide-open to artillery fire. Once the main ramming force of the collected horde is exhausted, the Militia cuts the “intestine” down the flanks and surrounds and eliminates that Nazis gathered in the cauldron.

It appeared, at first, that the goal of the current offensive in this area may have been achieved – the punitive forces were able even, for a short period of time, to cut off the last remaining road connecting DPR with LPR and Russia. With our own eyes we saw how the Nazis immediately began to exterminate civilians, murdering them in buses and cars travelling to the east.

However, the colossal military hardware losses, which are practically inevitable with such a catastrophically unprepared offensive operation, predictably led to the same outcome. It is likely that it will take several days to finish off the remnants of the Ukrainian forces that ended up being enricled; however, overall, everything is pointing to Kiev’s latest gamble ending in failure.

It should be mentioned that the situation for the Junta is becoming not only difficult, but threatening. Two waves of mobilization enabled the army to conscript up to seventy thousand men of military personnel. However, because these men and equipment were entered into battle in a very chaotic manner, without proper teamwork training, with extremely low quality of combat training, and with equipment in an appalling state of disrepair, as a result, the Junta just splashed gasoline on damp wood. The offensive burst into flames and just as quickly died down. The wood remains damp, and gasoline has run out.

There is a stalemate – instead of building an army and preparing it for a decisive strike, Kiev is continuously forced to throw its newly created units at the front, plugging up holes and wasting time in senseless offensive operations. This process cannot be stopped – the Militia will seize the initiative and crush the remnants of the armies of Kiev. By throwing increasing number of ever-more inferior troops into the fire, Kiev only prolongs the agony, as it no longer has the ability to conduct a decisive offensive.

The Militia is faced with a similar predicament – it cannot fully control such a large territory and is force to organize a focal defence, divert its forces to control roads and constantly to maneuver with extremely low reserves to repel attacks from various directions. This critical situation continues. It can no longer be said that the Ukrainian punitive forces possess an overwhelming superiority – according to Strelkov, the punitive forces mix up their battle formations in completely unimaginable ways, resulting in the loss of control and the complete absence of coordination. However, it cannot be said the Militia has been able to force the situation in its favour.

It appears that a defeat of a large grouping of the punitive forces could give birth to a chain reaction – the Militia would free up its troops and begin successively, increasing its efforts, to finish off the semi-defeated hordes of the enemy. It is still to early to claim a decisive advantage, but the preconditions for this are gradually forming

And now for the sad part. On August 1, the Militia and the Ukrainian army exchanged their dead and prisoners near Shakhtersk. A preliminary examination has revealed that four of the dead were finished off in a barbaric fashion – with a knife. The fifth was strangled. The exchange of prisoners was even more terrifying – two live militiamen were returned to the Militia with the heaviest of injuries, broken bones, and beaten to a pulp lungs and viscera. The medics have already pronounced that there is nothing they can do – people were practically beaten to death.

The Commande-in-Chief gave an order – [officers] of the punitive 25th Brigade are not to be taken prisoner – and took the responsibility himself. Commanders conducting exchange negotiations with the Nazis were instructed immediately to report this to the commander of the 25th Brigade. In my opinion, this decision is absolutely justified. Crimes of this nature should receive an adequate response.

Latest from the Southern Cauldron - The Inevitable Finale
The Militia: Ukrainian Equipment and Light Arms Must be Left Intact and Surrendered, Safe Passage Only Through Russia

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov

Photograph: The Inevitable End for Any Fascist 

According to the Ukrainian Minister of Defence, Valeriy Geletei, as quoted by

Ukraine lost seven military transport aircraft in repeated attempts to deliver cargo with food and ammunition to the soldiers of the 72nd Mechanized and the 79th Aeromobile Brigades.

This was announced by the Ukrainian Minister of Defence, Valeriy Geletei, during a live broadcast of the “Shuster Live” talk show.

Geletei stated: “The situation on the border with Russia is very difficult. We lost seven aircraft while delivering cargo to our forces on the border.” According to him, the provisioning of Ukrainian fighters with food and weaponry has been severely compromised because “the terrorists have everything that the Russian army has in its arsenal.”

Amusingly, Geletei’s numbers exceed the information provided by militiamen, who claim that to have downed a total of four transport aircraft.

And now for the latest news from the Southern Cauldron from a person who attended the surrender negotiations.

The situation is such that the encircled group of Junta forces is now sitting in the area of Krasnopartisansk, having rolled away from the border.

Their food rations ran out this morning, and they have a minimal amount of drinking water left. There is ammunition only for light arms, and even this will last for another couple of days of fighting at most.

At the meeting, the Junta representative set out conditions requiring that they be permitted to destroy all the military hardware (altogether approximately seventy units; there is no fuel for 90% of the surviving vehicles, and there is virtually no ammunition) and granted safe passage to Ukraine after surrendering all the light arms and the remaining ammunition.

Quite reasonably, the Militia representatives responded that the military hardware must be left intact, that all the light arms must be surrendered and that the passage should lie through the territory of the Russian Federation, with the soldiers being given the opportunity voluntarily to decide whether they desire to continue participating in what is happening or to remain in Russia.

In the event of a refusal, the positions of the surrounded troops will continue to be leveled using MLRS and cannon artillery, especially since they have long been investigated and there has been no problem in covering them with artillery for over a week. According to the estimates of our source, the approximate term for the approximate deadline for the termination of the Southern Cauldron saga is 2-3 days (this is an optimistic prognosis; a realist one suggests 4-5 days), simply due to the running out of the remaining ammunition and the issues with drinking water.

There have been no battles as such, the Militia simply continues to blockade the encircled forces without entering into close combat, preferring instead simply to shell the surrounded troops with cannon and rocket artillery.

In view of the large losses of the enemy’s military transport aviation, the delivery of supplies has been practically reduced to zero, and the aircraft that manage to break through the Militia’s air defences are forced to drop their cargo from a significant height, as a result of which part of such cargo falls on the territory controlled by the Milita. However, even if 100% of the cargo were reaching the Southern Cauldron, it still would not have been enough.

The Militia should, of course, speed up the process, as the freed-up forces and the potential trophies will enable it to stabilize the front and to commence preparations for a counteroffensive.

Just the baseless hypothesis of an uninformed amateur, nothing more

First, a disclaimer: I am not a pilot nor an air traffic controller, and I never served with air defense units.  I did spend some time with an airforce, but my role was one of electronic intercept analysis.  So what follows are just the musings of an uninformed amateur.  Caveat emptor.

What I will try to do here is present a possible scenario which takes into account the basic facts established so far.  Here goes:

The plan was for the Ukies to shoot down the MH17 using a totally inappropriate aircraft: the Su-25, which is a "tree hugging" close air support aircraft.  Why?  After all, the Ukies do have some Mig-29s and even some Su-27, but these are much fewer in number and much easier to track.  A few of them have been seen in the skies over Novorussia, but only rarely.  In contrast, the Su-25 has been a ever-present presence in the skies ever since the conflict began.  Some say that the Su-25 cannot fly over 7'000m.  That is not true.  The problem is that it's cockpit is not pressurized, but the airframe itself has powerful engines which can bring the aircraft well over 10'000m.  All the pilot would need is some good warm clothing and an oxygen mask.  No, the big drawback of sending the Su-25 so high is that it's engines are not designed to be used at that altitude and that it will not be able to fly fast enough to catch-up with a cruising Boeing.  But what if the Su-25 carried a missile?

Turns out that the Su-25 can carry the R-60 air-to-air missile which can fly at over 3'000km per hour and thus easily catch up with a cruising airliner.  So the Su-25+R-60 combination has a flight envelope which is sufficient to attack a Boeing.

There is something else that the Su-25 lacks to function has an interceptor: a radar.  Well, this is not quite true, the Su-25 has a radar, but it is designed for navigation, not air-to-air combat.  However, the R-60 missile does not need a radar, it has its own infrared homing warhead. So if the pilot of the Su-25 can point his aircraft in the general direction of a heat emitting target, and if that target is not too fast or too far away, the R-60 will be able to lock on to it and close in.  The R-60 is a pretty small missile with a short range, under 8'000m, but it so happens that that Russian radar operators reported the Su-25 at about 3-5'000m from MH17.

Still, it is not easy to visually acquire the correct aircraft from the cockpit of a Su-25, then get within the correct range and then fire.  There are clouds, sunlight, other aircraft.  And the Su-25 has no air-to-air radar with a search and track mode.  So what could the Ukies have done?  Provided another radar?

In comes the 3 BukM1 transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) and the at least one early warning (long range) radar which all had just been moved in the day before MH17 was shot down, and then immediately withdrawn.  The radars  of each Buk TELAR and the long range early warning radar whose signal have been detected by the Russians could have easily guided the Su-25 to its target, either by a encrypted datalink or even by radio commands.

Combining all of the above, here is my totally primitive and possibly completely mistaken hypothesis:

The Ukies guided the Su-25 to MH17 by using the Buk radar capabilities.  As soon as he was in reach, the SU-25 fire a R-60 missile which hit one of the two engines.  At this point, the MH17 sharply turned to one side and lost altitude (the hit engine would lose power and its drag would sharply pull the Boeing to one side).  The Su-25 then easily closed in and opened fire with his cannon, which has a range of 4'000m, shredding the cockpit and cabin with 30mm rounds.  Had the pilot of the Su-25 failed to catch with MH17 or if the R-60 missile had failed, the Buks on the ground were ready to shoot, but they probably did not have to.  Once MH17 was clearly destroyed, the pilot of the Su-25 could have easily landed anywhere in the Ukraine without drawing any attention.

This was a good plan, but it failed to take into account the sharp turn made by MH17 which instead of continuing on its path towards Russia turned around and fell into a contested by Resistance-controlled field.

One more thing: if my hypothesis is correct and the first impact on MH17 was from a rather small R-60 missile (3kg warhead) into an engine, the flight deck did probably not suffer an immediate and catastrophic depressurization.  If so, the pilots would have had the time to report an explosion.  This is why the recordings of the Kiev ATC were seized by the SBU and why the result of the analysis of the flight recorders takes so much time: the Empire needs to wipe away the recording of the pilots' last words.  Conversely, if  MH17 had been destroyed by a BukM1 missile (70kg warhead) the depressurization would have been immediate and catastrophic.  The problem with wiping the flight recorders is that if the pilots had the time to send a mayday then it would have been recorded not only by the USA and Russia, but by at least two more West European countries.  Even if the latter would comply with the US orders, the Americans are probably terrified that the Russians have the recordings of the MH17's mayday and they are probably trying to negotiate a deal with Russia.  If not, they need to carefully prepare the public opinion by, for example, organizing careful leaks through the Dutch and Malaysian press to say that nothing was recorded in order to denounce any recording presented by Russia as a "fake".  All of this is, again, pure speculation on my part.

Ok, now please feel free to tear this hypothesis into shreds.  These are just the musings of an amateur and most definitely not an expert opinion.  I submit it only as a basis for discussion.

Kind regards,

The Saker

OSCE monitors and journos come under shelling from Ukraine at Russian border
The Russian border checkpoint at the Gukovo crossing was shelled from the Ukrainian side twice on Sunday. OSCE observers and journalists were working at the checkpoint when it was attacked.

3 August, 2014

The first shell exploded at Gukovo at around 1:55pm Moscow time (09:55 GMT), Russian border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev told ITAR-TASS.

During this time, there were not only customs officers and border guards, bur also representatives of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) mission present at the crossing,” Malaev stressed, adding that no one was hurt as a result of the incident.

Gukovo was hit by a mortar shell, which left a “the crater with the diameter of 40cm and depth of 20cm,” said local customs spokesman Rayan Farukshin.

This spot is most likely “sighted” by those, who are executing fire, as Russian border guards went under gun fire there on Friday as they tried to document the damage done by an earlier shelling, he stressed.

The OSCE has confirmed that Gukovo checkpoint in Russia’s southern Rostov Region was shelled on Saturday.

It's true,” Shiv Sharma, OSCE spokesman, told Itar-Tass news agency. “Our staff heard the sound of artillery fire or something like that. The incident didn’t interrupt the work of our representatives, who remain at the crossing.”

OSCE Permanent Council decided to send a monitoring mission to the Russian-Ukrainian border on July 24.

In accordance with the mandate, civilian observers are placed at Gukovo and Donetsk crossings during the next three months.

Gukovo checkpoint was shelled again later on Sunday, with the second incident occurring several hours later.

At Around 5:30pm Moscow time [13:30 GMT], another projectile exploded at the crossing,” Malaev said. “As a result, the border guard HQ was damaged. The nature of the damage will be established later.”

OSCE observers at the Russian Gukovo checkpoint. (Still from Zvezda channel footage.)OSCE observers at the Russian Gukovo checkpoint. (Still from Zvezda channel footage.)

Journalists from Russia’s Zvezda channel, who were at the crossing during the second incident, said that it was “very scary.”

At first, explosions were heard in the distance,” Vasily Kuchushev said on Zvezda. “But then we heard a huge blast and saw a flash in the sky, with debris flying in all directions.”

Russian border checkpoints in the Rostov Region were repeatedly shelled from the Ukrainian side during summer.

In mid-July, explosive shells were also fired at the Russian town of Donetsk – a namesake of the militia-held city of Donetsk in Ukraine. Back then, two shells hit residential areas, killing one person.

The Rostov Region is the main hub for Ukrainian refugees, who are fleeing for Russia in order to escape the bloody conflict in the country.

The government’s crackdown on the south-east started in mid-April, after people in the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions refused to recognize the coup-imposed authorities in Kiev and demanded federalization.

The Ukrainian military and National Guard resorted to airstrikes and shelling in their struggle against the self-defense forces in Donetsk and Lugansk.

Some 1,129 people have been killed and nearly 3,500 wounded in eastern Ukrainian violence, the UN announced in late July.

NATO exerting pressure, not interested in MH17 investigation – Russia’s mission

4 August, 2014

Without waiting for MH17 crash investigators’ conclusions, NATO chief is eager to blame anti-Kiev forces, thus “exerting pressure” on the international team while providing no evidence to back the claims, Russia’s mission to NATO said.

The Russian mission to NATO has said that the bloc's Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen“decided not to wait until the end of #MH17 investigation” to blame the anti-Kiev forces for shooting down the plane, referring to Rasmussen's comments in Sunday's interview with the French Midi Libre.

The mission also wondered why “NATO is not interested in impartial MH17 investigation?” adding that“if the Alliance had evidence – why did it keep silent?”

NATO Secretary General decided not to wait until the end of investigation and exert pressure on it… 

In Sunday's interview, Rasmussen stated that NATO has “a lot of information that indicate the separatists, supported by the Russians, are guilty [of MH17 tragedy]”, calling it a “war crime” the perpetrators of which “must be brought to justice as soon as possible.”
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen (AFP Photo)
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen (AFP Photo)

Although he admitted the necessity of a “full independent international inquiry to establish the facts,”Rasmussen did not seem to be willing to wait for the conclusions of the international investigation team working in Eastern Ukraine at the crash site.
NATO's chief did not provide the French media with any evidence, and when RIA Novosti reached out for the comment, NATO replied that they “do not comment on the course of the investigation.” In fact, NATO told RIA earlier that the organization is not participating in the international investigation effort, indicating that secret “evidence” may never be shared even with the investigators.

The Russian Ministry of Defense on the contrary held a substantial press conference several days after the crash, presenting some of the data of recorded by radars and satellites, and urging all parties rightly committed to a thorough investigation to do the same. Kiev at the same time seized all the records from its air-control tower, and has still not released them, two weeks after the tragedy.

During the course of the interview, Rasmussen repeatedly accused anti-Kiev forces of not allowing the international investigation's team to approach the crash site, calling it a “problem and a challenge.”

Why do separatists not provide access to the crash site? There is something to hide,” he said, repeating that remark again when asked for any proof to back his claims.

However, the international team of over 100 Australian and Dutch experts, accompanied by OSCE monitors, were working at the crash site for a third consecutive day on Sunday. The OSCE highlightedearlier that the convoy “comprised 25 vehicles, including a bus and two mobile ambulances” went“smoothly and was well organized.”

The ceasefire around the disaster area, promised by Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko, has repeatedly been broken over the last two weeks, with Kiev forces shelling the areas immediately adjacent to the crash site. Meanwhile, Kiev official’s aspiration to “cleanse of the militias and take control of this territory,” Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin says, could indicate that it is Kiev who wants to destroy implicating evidence.

Instead of spreading unsubstantiated accusations and insinuations, the concerned parties should better share the objective observation data of the disaster area with the international organizations, the Russian diplomat added.
Chief of the Air Force General Staff Igor Makushev and Head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s Armed Forces Andrei Kartapolov (from right to left) at the news conference on the crash of the Boeing 777 passenger airliner in Ukraine (RIA Novosti / Vadim Savitskiy)
Chief of the Air Force General Staff Igor Makushev and Head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s Armed Forces Andrei Kartapolov (from right to left) at the news conference on the crash of the Boeing 777 passenger airliner in Ukraine (RIA Novosti / Vadim Savitskiy)

Besides social media reports and "common sense", the only “proof” so far – produced by Kiev to back claims it didn’t deploy anti-aircraft batteries around the MH17 crash site – are the satellite images, which carry altered time-stamps and are from days after the MH17 tragedy, the Russian Defense Ministry has revealed. The images were apparently taken by a US spy satellite, which the Pentagon hesitates to release in its own name, the ministry added, since Ukraine has no such technical capabilities.

The ministry also criticized images published by Kiev to back its allegations that Russia smuggled heavy weapons over the border. The images lack proper time stamps and coordinates, while Kiev didn’t bother to explain why it believes that whatever vehicles are shown in them are Russian. And at least one picture released by the SBU in that set was an absolutely irrelevant old photo showing Ukraine’s own missile launcher changing position three months prior to the MH17 incident.

Defense plans to battle Russian aggression’

In the meantime, Rasmussen said that the alliance will soon come up with defense plans to confront“Russia's aggression” against Ukraine.

Russia's aggression was a warning and created a new security situation in Europe,” he told the French publication. “We will strengthen military exercises and prepare new defense plans.”

NATO's chief also called on member countries to increase their military budget to match the perceived threat from Moscow.

I will encourage NATO countries to increase their defense investments. Over the past five years, Russia has increased its spending on defense by 50 percent, and NATO countries have reduced theirs by an average of 20 percent,” he added. “We must reverse the trend.
Members of a group of international experts inspect wreckage at the site where the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed, near the village of Hrabove (Grabovo) in Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine August 1, 2014 (Reuters / Sergey Karpukhin)
Members of a group of international experts inspect wreckage at the site where the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed, near the village of Hrabove (Grabovo) in Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine August 1, 2014 (Reuters / Sergey Karpukhin)

In the meantime this week the European Union “quietly” agreed to lift restrictions supplying Kiev with military technology and equipment, while the Obama administration officially informed Congress on Friday of its plans to train and equip the Ukrainian National Guard.

Black boxes: ‘Nothing out of the ordinary so far’

Preliminary examination of flight MH17’s cockpit voice recorder (CVR) revealed “nothing out of the ordinary,” a source close to the international investigation told the New Sunday Times.

The data refers to the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch downloaded communications between the Malaysia Airlines’ pilot and an unspecified person with an air traffic controller (ATC), the publication reports.

So far, from what the team has heard, there was nothing unusual. The last voice heard was not the pilot’s. No, there was no indication that the pilots saw or sensed anything off,” the source said.

Asked about the Ukrainian government's Monday statement that the airliner was brought down by “a massive explosive decompression,” the source said such conclusions, so far have been “unconfirmed.”

The Dutch Safety Board (DSB), which is heading the investigation into the crash, was puzzled by statements coming from Kiev. According to DSB spokeswoman Sara Vernooij, the “premature” release of details of MH17 black boxes is “not in the best interest of the investigation.”

The publication points out it remains unclear if the team had secured the recordings from the Ukrainian air traffic controllers to match the conversations between the ATC staff and the MH17 flight crew.

The plane’s two black boxes were given to Malaysian authorities last week and then sent to the UK for comprehensive an analysis.

Meanwhile the mouthpiece of the Kiev regime, the BBC is, like WW2 German propaganda, predicting victory for the fascist forces

Ukraine crisis: Army 

'heading for victory' - defence 


Ukraine's defence minister has said his forces are gaining ground significantly against rebels in the country's east.

3 August, 2014

Valeriy Heletey told the BBC there would be victory "very soon".

He blamed the rebels for the difficulties faced by international experts in getting access to the MH17 crash site.
His remarks came as civilians in the east prepare for a siege as government forces close in on the rebel-held cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Residents are stockpiling food and supplies and are sleeping in basements, with reports suggesting Luhansk is virtually surrounded and without power.
At least nine civilians were reported killed in Donetsk and Luhansk on Saturday.
The region has been unstable since April, when rebels in the east declared independence from Kiev. More than 1,500 people are believed to have been killed since fighting began.
The downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in July has heightened tensions and failed to stem the fighting.
Russia, which annexed Ukraine's Crimea region in March, has been accused of arming the rebels and has been targeted by US and EU sanctions. Russia denies the accusations.
'Russia is retaliating'

Col-Gen Heletey said he understood that it would not be easy to capture the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, especially as Russia was "doing everything it can to provoke us".
But he said his forces were winning.
"The separatists' territory is now two-and-a-half times smaller than it was four weeks ago," he said.
"More than 65 towns and villages have been liberated by Ukrainian forces in the Donetsk and Luhansk region. Our forces are in an offensive phase, but I want the world to know, that Russia is retaliatin
The defence minister said he was 100% sure of victory and that Ukraine had no choice but to carry on fighting.
"Ukraine is like a burning house. The Ukrainian army is going inside the burning house, to put the fire out," he said.
"If we don't put it out, it will be in Kiev, in Kharkiv, everywhere. We are asking every Ukrainian: take a bucket of water and help us to put the fire out."
Col-Gen Heletey said that there would be no fighting on the MH17 crash site, currently controlled by the rebels, until all the evidence and remains had been collected.
"In practical terms, we are not far away from the crash site, but we have backed off from the area... so the international mission can be carried out properly," he said.
In the midst of the fighting, Dutch and Australian police are combing through the wreckage at the MH17 site for as many as 80 bodies thought to remain there.
Inspectors were forced to abandon their work on Saturday as shelling continued nearby.
The US has accused the pro-Russian rebels in the area of shooting down the airliner with a Russian-made surface-to-air missile, though Russia says Ukrainian government forces are responsible

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