Wednesday 4 December 2013

West Coast USA Anchovy Feeding Frenzy

EMERGENCY! Fukushima West Coast Nuclear Anchovy Feeding Frenzy


  1. What I would love to see reported is a way to protect yourself health wise, no one is reporting on that! Bad news needs suggestions for ways to deal. We have enough fear and mind numbing horror, lets give the people some good, useful, information to take care of themselves and their families? I've been in the health field for over 25 years and dealing with this radiation has proved the biggest challenge thus far. But there are solutions!!! and they are not expensive or complicated. Mother nature never presents a challenge without also presenting the solution. A holistic spiritual attitude will be required to deal with this global issue. Thanks for your reporting :)

  2. Also, it seems to me that the anchovies came in because of the dead zone in the pacific getting closer. The food chain is disappearing in the oceans, makes me so sad. The whales follow the food source. Its not looking good for the pacific, all I can do is pray for solutions and provide as much good info to people as I can.


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