Sunday 1 December 2013


Fukushima - Do you see any fuel pools ?? Damn if I can find one

Maybe i need glasses , can you see where the fuel pools are ? Fukushima is no different than a big mean meteor about to smash into earth at 40,000 mph not looking to make any friends . We need to treat it with the Nobel respect it deserves or it will fuku u up hard times . We are not asking for much just 4200 peer review academic studies every day to deal with it , after all we pay for them , out loved ones produce them , and then they are locked away forever . Well i don't know about you but i'm sick of that waste of human resources , 1.6 million academic studies published every year , 1.6 billions hours wasted for a handful of corporations and elite creatures guaranteeing us a existence of desperation . Our legacy with be they never get off this planet and are scrubbed from the history books world wide with contempt . 

Nuked Pacific with Leuren
 Moret & Rad Chick watch

Excellent ! Chernobyl 3828


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