Monday 15 July 2013

Chasing Ice

James Balog: Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss

This is a talk by Janes Belog who featured in the movie Chasing Ice, which shows clearly the loss of ice in the Arctic


  1. In other BBC news,

    The receding threat from 'peak oil'

    Who gives a shit about climate change? :-/

  2. Who gives a shit about climate change?
    I do and a whole lot of people beside. Do you fancy slow death from heat and starvation?
    As for the 'receding threat of peak oil' - it is propaganda and BS

    1. Robin, absolutely agreed - I follow your blog for a long time now. Sorry if it was not clear that it was a sarcasm. I understand net energy decline and most of the implications and I write about climate change for almost 10 years.

      What I meant was that around 99 % don't REALLY give a shit about global problems we have created.

      Keep a good job"



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