Thursday 15 March 2012

Obama's war on freedom of information

Freedom of Information in jeopardy?
On Wednesday the Senate held a hearing to discuss the Freedom of Information Act. The goal was to address safeguarding critical infrastructure and the public's right to know. Many Americans believe FOIA is essential for holding the US government accountable for any wrong doing. Since 1966 presidents have acknowledge the importance of an open government, but Obama's administration has expressed that any information released should be mindful of the obligation to work in the spirit of cooperation. Jason Leopold, lead investigative reporter for Truth-Out.Org, joins us for more.

Sunshine Week revealing the secrecy of the war on journalism?
This week marks Sunshine Week. It is a national initiative to encourage interchange about the significance of an open government and freedom of information. It seems that Government secrecy has become wide spread and the Obama administration has expressed that any information released should be used with careful obligation to work in the spirit of cooperation.

Under Obama's presidency more people have been charged for espionage than any other president. Lately transparency doesn't seem to apply. Scott Horton, contributing editor for Harper's Magazine, joins us for more.

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